Una Voce - Indio Teen Center
Phillip just finished this piece for the Indio Teen Center and I wanted to see it first hand. There had been several newspaper articles and public art Google alerts on it, but I needed to see the actual piece. This video was taken with my cell phone, so I apologize for the quality and it's a little shaky, but you can see how impressive the piece is. I think it's a great marriage with the architecture and the materials of the building. The aluminum tubes have LED lighting strips mounted on the outside facing the red lettering that sequences through different colors at night. I'll have to go back to see it sometime soon. One of the electricians that were working on installing the halogen up lighting, mention he had seen it and really liked the effects.
As quoted from Phillip's website, www.theartoffice.com and piece was the first commissioned public art sculpture in the City of Indio. "Una Voce" seeks to give form to the voice, lives, and aspirations of teens. Designed in collaboration with the Youth Advisory Council for the new Indio Teen Center, the youth discussed their desire for a seemingly chaotic form that has a sense of tranquility within. Additionally, they wanted something abstract, spontaneous, and raw with a sense of surprise and discovery. To this end, the 20' high conical form is taken as a pure, geometrical, tranquil form into which graffiti-like words are carved, spelling out words of inspiration and activism, while creating an abstract container for ideas, light, shadow, and color.